
Showing posts from February, 2023

Tik mula halkhabar

 Tik mula halkhabar means k cha halkhabar in Nepali language.

khuyu meaning in Tamang

 khuyu meaning in Tamang language. Learn and save language. Tapailai yesko artha thaha cha bhanae comment ma lekhnu hola.

Khepa meaning in Tamang language

What is the meaning of Khepa in Tamang language. If you're from Tamang community and do know it's meaning then please do comment below. Learn and save language.

Lasso fyafulla meaning in Nepali

 Lasso fyafulla (लस्सो फ्याफुल्ला) meaning in Nepali It is said while greeting people. Can you guess which language is it?

Likpa meaning in Nepali

 What is the meaning of Likpa in Nepali language. Do you know it or can you guess it's meaning ?

Swarthi meaning in Nepali

 In Nepali language swarthi means selfish.  For example:  Timi ta kasto swarthi. Tyo ta kasto swarthi rahay cha hai. Swarthi keta/keti haru ko sangat garnu hudaina. K garnu yo duniya nai swarthi cha. Swarthi sansar.

Dhyangri meaning in Nepali language

 Dhyangri means fat women or girl. Mostly, it is said to fat women as girls are slim. In Nepal girl are slim before their marriage and once they gets married they give birth to a child and starts gaining weight. This is the trend in Nepal which is changing these days. People are getting aware of their health. Dhyangri is also said to make fun or people. People often calls fat women by saying dhyangri. Some girls gets angry if someone call them by this nickname where as some girls takes it easy. Women often call it besides their back while backbiting. They says like this Tyo dhyangri hera na kasto matay ko. Dhyangri bhaisakyo ajai kati ghichcha. Herana tyo dhyangri ko furti.  Tyo dhyangri ko jiu jastai buddhi pani moto cha. Dhyangri hatti ayo. Dhyangri ko model pose ho ki hatti pose. Tyo dhyangri ta malai manai pardaina etc.  

Tori laure meaning in Nepali language

 Tori laure means a person who has low value. In Nepali language tori means mustard seed and laure means a person who is employed in British or Indian army. Mostly, British army and people who works as a British army has a good lifestyle in Nepal.  It can be explained as a person is try to say that you are a lahure or laure but mustard laure which has less value.

I miss you in Tamang language

 Do you belong to Tamang community ? If yes the most probably you know how to say I miss you in Tamang language. If so then please do comment below how to say it in your mother tongue. If you are missing someone then please do write his/her name below to express your love.

Pattur meaning in Nepali

 Pattur meaning in Nepali is worst. To say you're a worst boy you can say timi pattur keta ho. Pattur or patture both can be said. These both words have same meaning.  People also say sala patture, eg: sala patture manchae ho ni tyo ta, khatae pature rahay cha tyo ta.

Hapsy meaning in Nepali

 In Nepali language black is known as lako but for humans people use hapsy. Is someone says hapsy then he/she means a person who's skin tone is black. Hapsi or hapsy word might not be too old. People also say kalae to black skin tone and kali to girls having black skin tone. There is a Hindu goddess also know as Kali and she has black skin tone. She is taken as a powerful goddess. 

Giddi meaning in Nepali

 Giddi means brain in Nepali language. People often say "Diggi haps nagar" which means don't eat my brain. If a person wants to say don't disturb me or don't disturb me or similar things then he/she might use this word. People might also say if he/she wants someone to keep quite. This sentence is mostly used by young generation/teenagers. Old generation people are not aware of this kind of sentence. Senior citizens are only aware of the word "Giddi", which is known for all birds, animals brain. People also eat buffalo, goat brain. They fry it in oil, put some salt and chilli powder and eat it. Mostly it is eaten with alcohol. First it is boiled and then fried. Please do comment if this kind of food recipe is popular in your region, country.

Bhalu meaning in Nepali

 Bhalu means a bear in Nepali language but slang word meaning in prostitute. This slang word meaning came into existence nearly around 1998-2000 A.D. Before that the meaning of Bhalu was only animal bear. It is not exactly known why people used this word for a prostitute. In those days this slang meaning was not known to general public. It was limited within the circle of bad boys and bad girls. Later this slang spread among all Nepalese community but some old generation might be unaware of this word.

Pakhe meaning in Nepali

 Pakhe word must be new word as it is used when people from hills started to move into valleys, cities. Pakha means hills or slope and people who came from pakha is called pakhe which means he doesn't know much about city life, things to do etc. If someone is unaware of modern things then he is called pakhe. People from hilly region gets angry when someone calls him pakhe so you must not use this word to call someone who is from hilly region. 

Khate meaning in Nepali

 The word khate means street kid. It is also used when some is dirty for example if anyone's dress is dirty or not combed hair or messy outfit. People also call khate when someone has bad habits, they say kasto khate jasto meaning like a street kid. This word is also used when someone comes up with torn clothes. These days it is call grunge fashion but old people call it kasto khate jasto.  

Rando meaning in Nepali

Rando means Male prostitute in Nepali language or it also means a playboy who keeps sexual relationship with many girls. It is also used while guys are talking for example Bike bistrai chala Natra morlas rando, it means drive bike slowly else you will die rando. Bad boys often use these words while talking and even some good guys may also use while talking. It is not much serious matter while talking with friends but cannot be used in formal conversations.

Radi meaning in Nepali

 Radi means prostitute in Nepali language. People use it when they are angry with someone.

Randi ko ban meaning in Nepali

 Randi ko ban means it is related to prostitute as the word randi is known as prostitute. When someone is angry of while fighting people use this word.

Randi meaning in English

The word Randi is used in Nepali and Hindi language as well. In both of the languages it's meaning is same and that is prostitute.  It is not only said to prostitutes but people often use this word when they are angry, having argument or in a tense mood. Sometimes it is also used to indicate a female who has sexual relationship with multiple males. 

Gu kha in newari language

Gu kha in Newari language language can be said as khe na (खि न). Herem "khe" mean gu and "na" means kha in Nepali.

Jhyakney meaning in Nepali

 Jhyakney is not used in formal converation. It is used when someone is angry or while taking with friends. Jhyakney meaning in Nepali can be said as it is a word used in informal conversations.

Bad words in Rai language

 Rai language is spoken in Nepal by Rai people. They are very friendly people. If you know these words please do write below. Learn and Save language

Bad words in Magar language

Magar language is spoken in Nepal. Magar community is widely known as brave warriors. If you know these words please do write below. Learn and Save language.

Bad words in Sherpa language

Sherpa language is spoken in Nepal. Sherpa people is world famous as Mount Everest climbers. If you know these words please do write below. Learn and save language.

Bad words in Tamang

 Tamang language is spoken in Nepal. If you know these words please do write below.