What is the meaning of Khepa in Tamang language. If you're from Tamang community and do know it's meaning then please do comment below. Learn and save language.
Here in this page we’ve listed some Newari rough words for educational purpose only. These Newari slang words doesn’t sounds good to use in any public places or in your daily life. Masi meaning in Newari Masi मासी is not a good word to use in public place. Here, we’ve explained it just for educational purpose as we’ve found some people pronouncing it without knowing it’s meaning. In Nepali language it is called Yoni योनी or puti पुती in rough language and in English language it means vagina. It is also called pisi in Newari. Mampakha meaning in Newari Mampakha meaning in Newari is mother f**ker. It is pronounced as Mam-pa-kha. It is a Newari slang word. Khwasa meaning in Newari It is a part of a human body of male or female. It is written in Nepali as ख्वासा . Khawasa Newari means pubic hair we call in muji मुजि or jaatha / jatha जाथा in Nepali language or guptangako rau (गुप्ताङ्गको रौँ). For male or female both gender pubic hair is called Khwasa. Khwasa macha meaning in Nepali : Khwa...
In every language there is good words and bad words. This article is just for information. We suggest not to use this word in public places, family gathering etc. Mampakha meaning in Newari is mother f**ker. It is pronounced as Mam-pa-kha. It is a Newari slang word. You might have heard people using this word but it is not good habit to use this word in public places. Some people use this word without knowing meaning of it. Mampakha meaning in Nepali There is also similar word in Nepali language as Mampakha in Newari. After explaining Newari meaning you might have guessed Mampakha meaning in Nepali. So I think I don’t need to explain it in Nepali. Mampakha word used in sentences: Mampakha ga-na ? Mampakha where are you ? Mampakha tha-na wa. Mampakha come here. Mampakha uh-khay hu. Go there. Mampakha tha-na swa. Look here. Mampakha jie chan-ta shya-na-bi. I’ll kill you. Mampakha sunk-ka chowa. Shut up.
In this lesson you'll learn meaning of Lado meaning in Nepali language. It is only for providing information. Lado (la-do) meaning in English is Penis. Lado is rough word and said when someone is angry. It can also be said linga in proper way if you wish to say more formally. While filling up a form if you see linga then it means male or female. If someone says "Lado kha" then he means eat peanis, people say this when someone is very angry or some people do use slang words without being angry. You might also hear "Lado ho muji" (mu-ji) or "Lado ho". When people are angry and they strongly disagree with what other person is saying then they say like this. It means they disagree with what the other person is saying to him. Here, "ho" means yes or right and "Lado ho" means it's not true. Muji is said to peple which means pubic hair. People say this while kidding with friends also. They say "Yeata aija muji" (yea-ta) which...
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