Dhyangri meaning in Nepali language

 Dhyangri means fat women or girl. Mostly, it is said to fat women as girls are slim. In Nepal girl are slim before their marriage and once they gets married they give birth to a child and starts gaining weight. This is the trend in Nepal which is changing these days. People are getting aware of their health.

Dhyangri is also said to make fun or people. People often calls fat women by saying dhyangri. Some girls gets angry if someone call them by this nickname where as some girls takes it easy.

Women often call it besides their back while backbiting. They says like this
Tyo dhyangri hera na kasto matay ko.
Dhyangri bhaisakyo ajai kati ghichcha.
Herana tyo dhyangri ko furti. 
Tyo dhyangri ko jiu jastai buddhi pani moto cha.
Dhyangri hatti ayo.
Dhyangri ko model pose ho ki hatti pose.
Tyo dhyangri ta malai manai pardaina etc.



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