Nepali bad words

 What does boka mean in Nepali?

Real meaning of boka means a billy goat/male goat.

In case of slang people here have portrayed it as similar to playboy, refer to someone who is really thirsty of sex and is horny or usually thinks about girls or sex.

What is the meaning of Nepali word ‘jatha’?

Jatha जाथा and muji मुजि in Nepali language has same meaning. Some people pronounce it as jatha whereas in some parts it’s called muji but most commonly used word is muji. Jatha means ‘Pubic hair’ but it has turned into a derogatory term for a man. Like most gender specific words, it also has a female counterpart ‘jathi’.

Jhyau meaning in English

Word Jhyau has multiple meaning one is ‘feeling bore’ and other indirect slang meaing is ‘Pubic hair’.

Khoya Nepali meaning

It means ‘useless’ in Nepali language.

Gula meaning in Nepali

Gula meaning in Nepali is scrotum.

Nakachari meaning in Nepali

Nakachari means shameless female) and Nakachara means shameless male.

Pataki meaning in Nepali

Pataki is a word use for any person who has habit of show off or useless person.

Dalal meaning in Nepali

Dalal means broker and in Nepal broker is not a good word. It is used to scold someone. Currently real estate brokers are not seen as a respectful job in Nepal but stock broker business is taken as a good business.


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