Chimabu meaning in Newari

 When some one is angry then people use word chimabu छिमबु but some people do have habit of using this word. People having habit of speaking rough language often use this words while talking. Chimabu meaning in Newari means “your father” or Tero bau तेरो बाउ in Nepali language.

Chi-ma-bu : Your father

There are formal ways of saying your father in Newari language like chimi abu. Both sounds similar but it’s formal and informal words.

Formal : Chi-mi abu which means timro buwa in Nepali

Informal : Chimabu which means tero bau in Nepali

Chimabu meaning in Nepali or ximabu meaning in Nepali

There is similar word in Nepali language also. Chimabu meaning in Nepali is “tayro bau” which also means your father but in informal way. It is pronouced as tay-ro bau.

Other similar words/sentences:

Newari English Roman Nepali Nepali

Chimabu ya chyaa Your father’s head Tero bauko tauko तेरो बाउको टाउको

Chimai/chima ya chyaa Your mother’s head Tero amako tauko तेरो आमाको टाउको

Chim bazya ya chyaa Your grandfather’s head Tero bajeko tauko तेरो बाजेको टाउको

Chim aji ya chyaa Your grandmother’s head Tero baje tauko तेरो बजै टाउको

sentences related to chimabu

Chimabu chu swo-ya-gu ?

(Your father) What are you looking ?

Chimabu tha-na wa.

(Your father) come here.

Mostly this word is used among friends but it is not a good habit to use this word.

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